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作者: 脠眉脌楼   麓篓脝脮鲁莽掳脻脧掳脰梅脧炉拢潞碌卤脤矛麓娄戮枚露戮路路拢卢脧没脙冒路路露戮脦脢脤芒隆拢 2022-11-18 01:19:59  [点击:742]
Hoffpost报道:川普宣布参选时说:“在中国,当我和习主席在一起时,我说:‘主席,中国有毒品问题吗?’”据称习说这个问题是通过“快速审判”解决的 “到一天结束时,罪犯将被处决。”(报道原文“In China, when I was with President Xi, I said: ‘President, do you have a drug problem?’” Trump said Tuesday night at Mar-a-Lago, recounting Xi purportedly saying the problem was solved by “quick trials” where “by the end of the day you’re executed.”)


报道指出,川普的说法是错的,中共国同样有毒品问题(It’s worth noting here Trump is a serial fabulist, that his recollection of his conversation with Xi may not be trustworthy, and that China actually does have a drug problem.)


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