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所跟帖: 脨矛脣庐脕录 脢虏脙麓脢脟脙脡脤脴驴篓脗氓路篓拢卢脮陋脗录拢潞拢篓脣霉脢么脩搂驴脝拢潞脥鲁录脝脩搂拢漏   2023-05-01 02:18:32  

作者: 脠眉脌楼   脫脰脧毛脥碌禄禄脮霉脗脹碌茫拢驴鲁颅脫垄脦脛掳脵驴脝潞脥鲁拢脫脙脠铆录镁Matlab鹿脵脥酶隆拢 2023-05-01 11:12:46  [点击:1935]






“Monte Carlo methods, or Monte Carlo experiments, are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results. The underlying concept is to use randomness to solve problems that might be deterministic in principle. They are often used in physical and mathematical problems and are most useful when it is difficult or impossible to use other approaches. Monte Carlo methods are mainly used in three problem classes: optimization, numerical integration, and generating draws from a probability distribution.”

Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 2003
Simulation models can be generally classified into one of three major types, namely, continuous event simulation, discrete event simulation, and Monte Carlo simulation or Monte Carlo methods (MCM). In simple terms, MCM may be any procedure that uses randomly generated numbers to solve a problem. By this definition, any simulation model can be considered as using MCM. Law and Kelton use the term Monte Carlo Method to define a procedure that uses randomly generated variables to solve problems in which the passage of time is not of consequence (i.e., the problem is static in nature). Pritsker (1995) defines the aim of discrete and continuous event simulation as reproducing the activities of the entities in a system over time, to better understand the behavior and performance of a system. We use both these definitions to classify MCM problems as those simulation problems that either do not involve the passage of time and/or do not involve entities and activities.
锟斤拷锟洁辑时锟斤拷: 2023-05-01 11:33:12


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