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作者: 虏脻脦r   History of Europians exploration into Asia 2023-08-14 12:43:18  [点击:1162]
文章 講話

Fra Mauro 地圖 於1459 年左右完成,是當時已知世界的地圖。按照當時的標準做法,南在上。喬瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·拉穆西奧 (Giovanni Battista Ramusio)表示,該地圖部分是根據馬可·波羅從國泰帶來的地圖繪製的。

公元前 515 年:Scylax探索印度河和穿過印度洋到達埃及的海路。
公元前250 – 120年:中亞和南亞部分地區的希臘-巴克特里亞國家,包括費爾幹納谷地(亞歷山大埃斯查特)、河中地區(阿姆河上的亞歷山大)和旁遮普(印度河上的亞歷山大)。
公元前 30 年 - 公元 640 年:隨著對托勒密埃及的佔領,羅馬人開始與印度進行貿易。帝國現在與埃及自公元前 118 年開始建立的香料貿易有著直接的聯繫。
公元 41 – 54 年:羅馬地中海收稅官安尼烏斯·普洛卡穆斯 (Annius Plocamus ) 促進了斯里蘭卡與羅馬帝國之間的直接貿易和首次接觸。羅馬人已經知道斯里蘭卡的名字是塔普羅班(Taprobane),這是該島的希臘語名稱。根據普林尼在《博物學》中的說法,兩個文明是在普洛卡姆斯登陸後相遇的。
公元 100 – 166 年:羅馬-中國關係開始。托勒密 描述了金切爾森尼斯( Golden Chersonese ) (即馬來半島)和卡蒂加拉( Kattigara)貿易港口,卡蒂加拉(Kattigara)現在被稱為越南南部的奧克埃奧( Óc Eo),當時是中國漢帝國的一個省份膠州的一部分。中國的歷史文獻描述了羅馬使館,他們來自一個被稱為大秦的土地。

歐亞大陸和北非的貿易路線 C. 公元870年
~500–1000:拉丹派是中世紀的 猶太 商人,他們在中世紀早期主導了基督教和伊斯蘭世界之間的貿易,並遠至唐朝的中國。
約 550 年:拜占庭旅行家兼作家Cosmas Indicopleustes完成了他的著作《基督教地形學》,描述了他在厄立特里亞、埃塞俄比亞、印度和斯里蘭卡旅行中收集到的地理特徵。



1245-1247 年:意大利方濟各會士喬瓦尼·達·皮安·德爾·卡平 (Giovanni da Pian del Carpine)任命為教皇使節,並在波希米亞的斯蒂芬(Stephen ) 和後來的貝尼迪克特·波拉克 ( Benedykt Polak ) 的陪同下到達喀喇崑崙(今蒙古)。第一個歐洲駐大汗大使館。
約 1254 年:佛蘭德斯的魯布魯克威廉穿過中亞到達蒙古。

1275–1289 和 1289–1328:意大利方濟各會傳教士、旅行家和政治家約翰·蒙泰科維諾(John of Montecorvino , 1246–1328)在印度和中國建立了最早的羅馬天主教傳教團,並成為北京大主教和東方牧首。
約 1318-1329 年:方濟會修道士、意大利波代諾內的奧多里克和愛爾蘭的詹姆斯經印度、錫蘭和馬來半島到中國,在大都(今北京)停留了大約三年,然後通過陸路返回意大利中亞。
≈1321–1330/1338(?):法國多米尼加傳教士喬丹努斯(Jordanus)於1329年成為整個印度次大陸的主教,在他的著作《米拉比利亞》( Mirabilia)中記錄了他在印度和中東的旅行。
1338-1353 年:意大利人喬瓦尼·德·馬里尼奧利 (Giovanni de' Marignolli)的遠征,他是教皇本篤十二世派往北京的四位特使之一。
1401-1402 年:卡斯蒂利亞亨利三世駐帖木兒帝國首任大使帕約·戈麥斯·德·索托馬約爾旅行。
1403-1404 年:卡斯蒂利亞亨利三世駐帖木兒帝國第二任大使魯伊·岡薩雷斯·德·克拉維霍 ( Ruy González de Clavijo)旅行。他沿土耳其黑海沿岸到達特拉布宗,然後經陸路經亞美尼亞、阿塞拜疆、伊朗和土庫曼斯坦到達烏茲別克斯坦。他還訪問了德黑蘭。
1470 年:阿法納西·尼基丁 (Afanasy Nikitin)的遊記,第一個訪問印度的俄羅斯人。
1471–1479 年:意大利威尼斯外交官卡特里諾·芝諾 (Caterino Zeno)、安布羅吉奧·孔塔里尼 (Ambrogio Contarini )和喬薩法特·巴巴羅 ( Giosafat Barbaro)前往波斯。
1487-1491 年:葡萄牙探險家兼間諜佩羅·達·科維良 (Pêro da Covilhã)在葡萄牙國王的命令下前往近東和印度,收集成功建立葡萄牙和印度之間的海上航線所需的信息。
1557-1572 年:英國旅行家、外交家和探險家安東尼·詹金森橫渡里海到達布哈拉和波斯。
約1580年至1585年:哥薩克葉爾馬克·季莫費耶維奇到達額爾齊斯河右岸附近的西伯利亞 韃靼城市卡什利克。
1583-1591 年:英國商人拉爾夫·菲奇 (Ralph Fitch ) 與約翰·紐伯里(John Newberry) 和約翰·埃爾德雷德(John Eldred)、珠寶商威廉·利茲(William Leedes) 以及畫家詹姆斯·斯托里(James Story) 一起,經黎凡特和美索不達米亞前往印度和葡萄牙馬六甲(位於現代馬來西亞)。埃爾德雷德留在伊拉克巴士拉;斯托里在果阿加入了耶穌會士;利茲留在阿格拉為阿克巴工作,紐伯里決定開始他的回程。菲奇獨自去了緬甸和馬六甲(今天的馬來西亞)。1591年他回到倫敦。
1644 年:瓦西里·波亞爾科夫 (Vasily Poyarkov ) 從西伯利亞經陸路抵達太平洋上的阿穆爾河河口。


瓦斯科·達·伽馬首次航行時使用的船隻。(1558 年的插圖)。

1502 年的坎蒂諾平面圖(或坎蒂諾世界地圖)是現存最早的地圖,顯示了葡萄牙在東西方的發現。
1488 年:巴爾托洛梅烏·迪亞士到達南非的好望角。這是一個重要的里程碑,因為這使得像瓦斯科·達·伽馬這樣的未來水手能夠航行到印度和東南亞。
1492 年:克里斯托弗·哥倫布從西班牙起航,尋找通往亞洲的西線航線,最終登陸美洲。儘管未能成功到達亞洲,但他的成功最終推動了歐洲的擴張,包括亞洲。
1497-1499 年:葡萄牙人瓦斯科·達·伽馬 (Vasco da Gama)在尼古拉·科埃略 (Nicolau Coelho)和巴托洛梅烏·迪亞斯 ( Bartolomeu Dias)的陪同下,成為第一個從歐洲通過全海路到達印度的歐洲人。

1500年至1501年:發現巴西後,佩德羅·阿爾瓦雷斯·卡布拉爾率領由13艘船和1,500名船員組成的原始艦隊的一半,完成了葡萄牙人第二次前往印度。船隻由卡布拉爾、巴托洛梅烏·迪亞斯、尼古拉·科埃略、桑喬·德·托瓦爾、西芒·德·米蘭達、艾利斯·戈麥斯·達·席爾瓦、瓦斯科·德·阿泰德、迪奧戈·迪亞斯、西芒·德·皮納、路易斯·皮雷斯、佩羅·德·阿泰德和努諾·萊唐·達庫尼亞指揮。[2]目前尚不清楚加斯帕·德·萊莫斯和安德烈·貢薩爾維斯(André Gonçalves)指揮的這艘船帶著這一發現的消息返回了葡萄牙。路易斯·皮雷斯抵達佛得角後不久就返回葡萄牙。瓦斯科·德·阿泰德、巴托洛梅烏·迪亞斯、西芒·德·皮納和艾利斯·戈麥斯的船隻在好望角附近失踪。迪奧戈·迪亞斯指揮的船分離並發現了馬達加斯加。當時他是第一個乘船到達紅海的人。Nuno Leitão da Cunha、Nicolau Coelho、Sancho de Tovar、Simão de Miranda、Pero de Ataíde 全程參與了印度之旅。其他乘客包括:佩羅·瓦茲·德·卡米尼亞 (Pêro Vaz de Caminha)和方濟會神父弗雷·恩里克·德·科英布拉 ( Frei Henrique de Coimbra)。
1501–?:若昂·達·諾瓦指揮第三次葡萄牙遠征印度。沿途他發現了阿森松島(1501 年)和聖赫勒拿島(1502 年)。
1503–1504 年:阿方索·德·阿爾伯克基在第五支葡萄牙印度艦隊期間在印度科欽建立了第一個葡萄牙堡壘。

1505: Francisco de Almeida is appointed as the first viceroy of Portuguese India (Estado da Índia). He leaves Lisbon at the command of the seventh Portuguese India Armada, with 22 ships, including 14 carracks and 6 caravels carrying a crew of 1,000 and 1,500 soldiers. His son, Lourenço de Almeida, explores the southern coast and reaches the modern island of Sri Lanka.
1507–1513: In 1507, Afonso de Albuquerque captures the kingdom of Ormus in the Persian Gulf. He is then appointed second viceroy of India in 1508. In 1510 he conquers Goa, soon to become the most flourishing of the Portuguese settlements in India.
1511: Albuquerque conquers Malacca discovered by Diogo Lopes de Sequeira in 1509. Malacca becomes a strategic base for Portuguese expansion in the East Indies. In November of that year, after having secured Malacca and learning of the "Spice islands" (Banda Islands) location, in Maluku Albuquerque sent an expedition of three vessels led by António de Abreu to find them. In 1511 Ayutthaya Kingdom (Thailand) received a diplomatic mission from the Portuguese. These were probably the first Europeans to visit the country. Five years after that initial contact, Ayutthaya and Portugal concluded a treaty granting the Portuguese permission to trade in the kingdom.
1512: Malay pilots guided the Portuguese via Java, the Lesser Sundas and Ambon to Banda, arriving in early 1512.[3] The first Europeans to reach the Banda Islands, the expedition remained in Banda for about one month, purchasing nutmeg and mace, and cloves in which Banda had a thriving entrepôt trade.[4] D'Abreu sailed through Ambon while his second in command Francisco Serrão went ahead towards Maluku islands, was shipwrecked and ended up in Ternate.[5] Francisco Serrão establishes a fort on Ternate Island.
1513: Albuquerque laid siege to Aden in 1513, but was repulsed. He then led a voyage into the Red Sea, the first ever made by a European fleet.
1513: Jorge Álvares is the first European to land in China at Tamão in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) estuary.
1516–1517: Rafael Perestrello, a cousin of Christopher Columbus, leads a small Portuguese trade mission to Canton (Guangzhou), then under the Ming Dynasty.
Portuguese discoveries and explorations: first arrival places and dates
1517: The Portuguese merchant Fernão Pires de Andrade establishes the first European trade post on the Chinese coast at Tamão in the Zhujiang (Pearl River) estuary and then in Canton (Guangzhou).
1519–?: Leaving Spain with five ships and 270 men in 1519, the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan is the first to reach Asia from the East. In 1520, he discovers what is now known as the Strait of Magellan. In 1521 he reaches the Marianas and then the island of Homonhon in the Philippines. Some time after, Magellan is killed in what is known as the Battle of Mactan. The rest of the crew sails to Palawan (Philippines), and then to Brunei and Borneo. They then reach Tidore in the Maluku Islands avoiding the Portuguese. Only one ship, commanded by Juan Sebastián Elcano, returns to Spain in 1522 with 18 men remaining, accomplishing the first World circumnavigation in History.
1524: Third trip of Vasco da Gama to India.
1542: António da Mota is thrown by a storm to the island of Tanegashima, establishing the first European contact with Japan.
1549: Saint Francis Xavier arrives in Japan accompanied by Father Cosme de Torrès, Brother Juan Fernández, the Japanese Anjiro, two baptized Japanese named Antonio and Joane, a Chinese named Manuel, and an Indian named Amador. The captain of the ship is named Avan aka "The Pirate".
1556: The Dominican Gaspar da Cruz is the first modern missionary to go in China. He traveled to Guangzhou in 1556 and wrote the first complete book on China and the Ming Dynasty that was published in Europe; it included information on its geography, provinces, royalty, official class, bureaucracy, shipping, architecture, farming, craftsmanship, merchant affairs, clothing, religious and social customs, music and instruments, writing, education, and justice. (See also Jesuit China missions)

Left panels 1-3

Right panels 4-6
Kunyu Wanguo Quantu, printed by Matteo Ricci, Zhong Wentao and Li Zhizao, upon request of Wanli Emperor in Beijing, 1602, the first world map in the Chinese language
1582: The Italian Jesuit priest and missionary Matteo Ricci reaches the Portuguese settlement of Macau in Ming China and in 1601 becomes the first European to be invited into the Ming imperial palace of the Forbidden City in Beijing, at the behest of the Wanli Emperor who sought his services at court, particularly for his expertise in astronomy. In 1602 Ricci and his Chinese translator Li Zhizao would co-publish the first world map in Chinese, the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu which greatly expanded both Chinese and Japanese knowledge of global geography.
1583-91 年:英國人拉爾夫·菲奇 (Ralph Fitch)成為最早訪問美索不達米亞、印度和東南亞(緬甸、蘭納、馬六甲)的英國探險家之一。
1595 年:荷蘭人Jan Huyghen van Linschoten出版了他的《Reys-gheschrift vande navigatien der Bulgariaoysers in Orienten》(《葡萄牙在東方航海的遊記》),該書於1598 年被翻譯成英語和德語。它可以獲取葡萄牙的秘密信息,包括一個多世紀以來一直被妥善保管的航海地圖。該書從而打破了葡萄牙對亞洲海上貿易的壟斷。

1579–1619: Thomas Stephens, a Jesuit, was probably the first Englishman to set foot in India where he died in 1619.
1599–1614: John Mildenhall, with Richard Newman, reach Agra, India, overland in 1614.
1600–1610: William Adams's boat arrives in Japan where he spends the next 10 years as advisor to the shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu.
1602–1607: Bento de Góis, first European to travel overland from India to China.
160?–1611: Robert Coverte comes back from India by foot after his ship runs aground near Surat.
1612–1617: Thomas Coryat travels by foot to India.
1615–1618: Thomas Roe is ambassador to the court at Agra, India of the Great Mogul, Jahangir.
1624: António de Andrade, first European to reach Tibet.
1626–1627: Estêvão Cacella with João Cabral are the first Europeans to reach Bhutan.
1631–1668: Jean-Baptiste Tavernier travels six times to Asia, mostly in Persia, India and Java.
1656–1669: François Bernier travels to Egypt, Saudi Arabia and then spend eight years at the court of the mughal emperor Aurangzeb.
1664–1680: Jean Chardin travels two times to Persia (as well as its dependencies in the Caucasus such as Georgia) and India.
1675–1678: The Moldavian boyar Nicolae Milescu travels to China.


The Tabula Rogeriana (1154), by Muhammad al-Idrisi
~118 BCE: Eudoxus of Cyzicus was a Greek navigator from the Asian-Greek city of Cyzicus who explored the Arabian Sea for Ptolemy VIII, king of the Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt.
522–550: Cosmas Indicopleustes (lit. "who sailed to India") of Alexandria was a Greek merchant, and later monk, who made several voyages to India during the reign of emperor Justinian. His Topografia Christiana contained some of the earliest and most famous world maps.
1154: Although not known for his travels, Muhammad al-Idrisi was most important for the exploration of Asia for Europeans when he made the Tabula Rogeriana, a map of the whole known world, in 1154 for the Norman King Roger II of Sicily, based on his knowledge of the Arab trade routes.
1247 and 1254: Hetoum I, king of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and ally of the Frankish crusader states, visits the Mongol court in Karakoram in 1254 after first sending his brother Sempad in 1247.
1325–1355: Travels of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveller from Morocco, across much of the Old World. His Travels would be influential with Europeans starting in the 19th century.

Silk Road
List of explorers
List of Russian explorers
European exploration of Arabia
Timeline of European exploration
Ancient Greece–Ancient India relations

Vera Lucia Bottrel Tostes, Bravos homens de outrora Archived 2007-01-07 at the Wayback Machine, Camoes - Revista de Latras e Culturas Lusofonas, no. 8, January - March 2000
Hannard (1991), page 7; Milton, Giles (1999). Nathaniel's Nutmeg. London: Sceptre. pp. 5 and 7. ISBN 978-0-340-69676-7.
Hannard (1991), page 7
Ricklefs, M. C. (1993). A History of Modern Indonesia Since c.1300, 2nd Edition. London: MacMillan. p. 25. ISBN 0-333-57689-6.
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