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所跟帖: 脨隆脥脠脤脹 脢虏脙麓脢脟脨掳陆脤拢驴鹿楼禄梅脪禄脡帽陆脤碌脛戮脥脢脟脨掳陆脤   2021-11-28 21:14:57  

作者: 脠眉脌楼   脭脼脥卢隆拢脳脷陆脤脫脨脭茫脝脡,脪虏脭脷陆酶虏陆隆拢隆露脢楼戮颅隆路隆露路冒戮颅隆路露录脭脼鹿媒脡卤脠脣. 2021-11-29 00:53:54  [点击:4476]






For example, the Nirvana Sutra, a canonical Buddhist text, narrates a story about one of Buddha’s past lives: in it, he kills some Hindus (Brahmins) because they insulted the Buddhist sutras (scriptures):

The Buddha…said…”When I recall the past, I remember that I was the king of a great state…My name was Senyo, and I loved and venerated the Mahayana sutras…When I heard the Brahmins slandering the vaipulya sutras, I put them to death on the spot. Good men, as a result of that action, I never thereafter fell into hell. O good man! When we accept and defend the Mahayana sutras, we possess innumerable virtues.”
锟斤拷锟洁辑时锟斤拷: 2021-11-29 18:41:23


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