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所跟帖: WangYoucai 脪貌脦陋脢脟脕玫赂脮碌脛脨脜脧垄拢卢脦脪禄鹿脙禄脫脨脳卯潞贸戮枚露篓脪陋戮脵卤篓脛茫隆拢脠莽鹿没脮忙脳枚拢卢脠媒碌茫拢潞   2022-07-25 01:12:29  

作者: 驴脮脪脦脳脫   脮忙脢脟脤芦脟脡脕脣拢卢卤戮脰脺脩搂脧掳碌脛脛脷脠脻戮鹿脠禄戮脥脢脟路脤掳霉 2022-07-25 03:29:27  [点击:775]
Topic/ Instructions

After completing the assigned reading, including Nieman-Marcus v. Lait, please make an initial post in which:

You provide a “yes” or a “no” response to whether each of the following statements is defamatory of each of the members of a group.
One of the employees stole the iPhone.
Somebody in this torts class ruined my notes.
Some city councilmen take kickbacks.
Most of the older faculty members drink martinis at lunch.
All lawyers are crooks.
The Republican Committee stole and doctored the document.

You choose just one of the above statements and briefly explain one or more of the considerations (factors) that affected your determination of whether that statement about that particular group would defame one of its individual members.



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